Liberty Hall
Machiasport, Maine
A Race against Time

A proud symbol of American History
Overlooking the site of the first naval victory of the American Revolution, Liberty Hall Maine in Machiasport, Maine is one of America's most significant historical monuments. It is also one of Maine's most distinguished examples of civic architecture. A remarkably successful public-private partnership rescued this building in the face of its imminent demise. But much more needs to be done. The mission of the Campaign to Save Liberty Hall is to complete the restoration of this inspiring and irreplaceable landmark, and make it the center of community life once again.

Liberty Hall in need

Liberty Hall celebration

Belvedere restored

Liberty Hall in need

Upcoming Events
Planned Workdays
At present, we have no definitive plans for community workdays in Liberty Hall.
. Over the past year, the roof of the building began to show signs of significant damage. The winter and spring storms of the last few months have exacerbated the problem. Through to a very generous donation, we are able to replace the roof on Liberty Hall. We expect work to begin as soon as the weather permits.
Once the roof replacement is complete, there will be interior clean-up. We very much hope you will join us in this task. Please watch this space!
Restoration next steps
We are currently seeking funds to complete the last part of Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the restoration process. This work involves demolishing the interior chimney at the back of the theater to make way for emergency egress to the bank behind Liberty Hall. Once this is completed, we will move to the full interior restoration of the building. This will include: installation septic system, utilities, walls and ceiling repair, painting, ADA access, kitchen, community rooms etc.
News and Events
The Friends of Liberty Hall had a table at the Machiasport Community Yard Sale on Saurday June 15th. Despite the miserable weather, we had a good day – adding $285 to our funds. Every bit helps. Thank you to everyone who supported Liberty Hall through their donations.
The roof on Liberty Hall has been replaced. Machiasport resident, Caleb Ricker, and his team at Cornerstone Construction completed the work in just under a week. The record high temperatures slowed progress down for a day or so. But everyone worked incredibly hard to get the job finished on time. Replacing the roof was an urgent task if the earlier restoration efforts were to be preserved. We were exceptionally fortunate to receive a substantial private donation that enabled us to move ahead on this essential work. We are grateful for this very generous support. We are delighted to see the new roof on Liberty Hall. Please check out the pictures.